Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Summer trip to Norway

Our last day on the road as tonight we are back in Stavanger. We needed to be away fairly promptly as we had found a few places we would like to visit on our way as well as needing to catch a couple of ferries. We drove some way to Kvam/ Norheimsund to find the old ship building museum. In the town, we couldn’t find anything, but we had a good walk round and even stopped for coffee. We found a lovely craft shop close by and spent some time looking at their stock. It turned out that the boat building museum was further down the road, and so we drove on and in no time we were turning into the car park. We were invited to take a tour with the guide at midday, which was fine with us. She was very informative and we saw some wonderful examples of the work they carry out at the yard. Their pride and jot is the Mathilde, a sailing ship that was completely renovated at the yard. But we were not able to see her as she was away sailing that day. We did see the rope making loft and tried our hand at making a length of rope. This you can see in the slide show.

The yard also had a great cafe and they made us delicious sandwiches for lunch. The people here recommended a pottery just down the road, so off we went to find it. It was a bit off the beaten track, and we quite like the pottery, but the highlight was the flock of white turkeys in an adjoining field. These were not all happy and we did witness some fisticuffs between a couple of them. Now we had a long drive to get to the ferries as we headed for Stavanger after a great tour of some of the best scenery in Norway.

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